Sunday, 2 November 2014

Weekly Report & Reflection: Post 7

       I have finally wrapped up my midterms, survived most of my projects and had a successful Halloween weekend, so I guess it is time to get back to the real world and explore some new online learning tools. This week the main tool we explored was Google Docs which was for once a tool I was actually familiar with! I started using this tool over the summer at the office I worked at; it was a very valuable tool in the workplace and thought it could also make collaborating at school easier as
Dunn, J (CC) 2012
            Google Docs is incredibly easy to use, it is exactly like Microsoft Office, you have access to all the same types of document; word pads, presentations, spreadsheets etc. Now some of you may be thinking; “if it is the same as using word on my computer why would I choose to use Google Docs over Microsoft Office?” which is very valid but here are a few reasons I have come up with:  

  •  Microsoft Office: Documents must be sent back and forth via email, Facebook or other communication sites with multiple copies of  each being made.
  • Google Docs: Sharing is instant, just chose a list of people you want to be able to view your document and submit! (you can even chose if you want them to be able to edit your information or just view it)

  • Microsoft Office: Having a peer edit your work can be a long process, you must send them the document, then wait to for them to edit it and send it back before you can see any changes.
    You also need to search through the whole document to find the changes. Going back and forth can take hours.
  • Google Docs: You see when other users are online, and watch them as they edit it, changes are seen instantly! No more searching or waiting around. 


  •    Microsoft Office: If you want to discuss changes being made you must use a different communication tool such as; texting, Facebook, email, Twitter etc.
    You must also tell people where to look for example: “what do you think about page 4, paragraph 2, sentence 5?” then you must wait to find what you are talking about, read it and then reply.
  • Google Docs: The comments tool allows you to leave comments in the exact spot you are talking about or you can just have a general discussion.
    -both of these options take out the lengthy process of trying to find the spot your partner is talking about and helps reduce miscommunication.
* click on each heading for more information on how to use that feature.
As you can see Google Docs makes collaborating that much easier. It may not prove as a better choice when working solo but for group projects it definitely helps. I think this is such a great tool for any of the students out there like me who commute to school or have a really busy schedule. I know personally when I hear group project I think “great when am I going to have time for this?” However with Google docs you have a way of collaborating efficiently on your own time without having to drive to a different city to meet up with your group for one hour. If your still not sure if Google Docs if right for you check out the video “Google Docs in Plain English”, or the blog post `50 little known ways Google Docs can help in education`.
 We have learned about all the great ways that Google can help us in both professional and educational settings; through its search engine, Gmail and now Google Docs but here are some cool tricks you may not have known about Google that I found on my reader; 

 If you have trouble viewing the video click here
- Olivia :) 

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