Prezi Slideshow

Hey Everyone,

      For my slideshow I chose to use Prezi. The site was really simple to use and provided a great alternative to Power Point slide shows. The purpose of this slideshow was to show an understanding of copyright and creative commons. I chose to display the information as a help guide for individuals trying to learn more about creative commons and copy right. This required me to have a deep understanding of both topics, in order to make the guide easy to use. This was difficult because at the beginning of the week I barely knew anything about creative commons. However throughout this assignment I have gained a comprehensive knowledge of these two confusing topics.
        My new understanding of copyright and creative commons has enhanced my digital literacy. According to Media Smarts there are three main components of digital literacy, these include use, understand and create. The following explains how this assignment has helped me enhance each of the  areas of digital literacy provided by Media Smarts:

  • Use: Describes fluency with computers, which ranges from technical know how to use of other complex communication tools. 
    • Learning how to use Prezi to create slideshows and Google, Youtube and Flickr to find creative commons media has increased my computer fluency. 
  • Understand: Allows users to comprehend and critically evaluate digital media. It provides us with the skills to effectively find information to use collaboratively.
    • Understanding copyright and creative commons has taught me which items are okay to use on the internet and which ones are protected by a copy right.  
  • Create: Describes the ability to use different media tools to create content, and to adapt it to various contexts for multiple audiences. 
    • Learning about remixing this week has taught me that it is okay to use images, and other media to create something of your own. However when creating something new from other images it is important to understand creative commons to ensure you are giving credit and using images legally.
Here is the Prezi I created this week:

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