Sunday, 16 November 2014

Weekly Report and Reflection Post 9

Hey everyone, 

            This week we explored two new tools; VoiceTheard and PollDaddy. Each of these tools can be useful in situation where individuals need to collaborate or share information but cannot meet directly. VoiceThread allows users to create interactive slideshows which other learners comment on in a number of ways. VoiceThread provides a great alternative to flat text communication that usually occurs with distance collaboration. PollDaddy on the other hand works as an online polling station. The tool is incredibly easy to set up and provides learners with a simple way to see what their peers are thinking. PollDaddy can be useful in a number of educational activities. It can be used as we did in this week’s session to gather opinions on a given topic, and it can also be used for decision making activities, and gathering information for research projects.

VoiceThread (cc) 2014

            Both of these tools could fit into my PLE under the headings, socializing and collaboration, and research. Although I do not see myself using VoiceThread in the future I can see the value they have in e-learning and collaboration. I encourage those who are planning to go into the educational field click here for more information on what your need to know about using VoiceThread. As for PollDaddy, I am once again not sure that I will be adding this to my PLE, however if I chose to one interesting application mentioned on The Tech Zone blog was to add polls to your blog. This is a great idea because it allows even more feedback from your readers. This can be especially helpful for those who may not feel comfortable leaving a written comment, click here for the full post and a tutorial on how to add polls to your blog. 

            Each week as we explore new web 2.0 tools and have opportunities to use them my knowledge of becoming a digital citizen grows. This week and last week especially have worked together to fully understand the rights and responsibilities we have as digital citizens. Understanding and abiding by these rights and responsibilities in my opinion play the largest part in being a good digital citizen. I think currently the two largest violations of digital rights and responsibilities I have noticed are appropriate use, and cyberbullying. 

STOP Cyberbully (cc) 2014
            Now that digital communication is so readily accessible and widely accepted and even praised among society, the lines of when and where it is appropriate to use digital communication has been blurred. The 12 most inappropriate times and places to use your cell phone gives a clear list of time when you should just put away the phone. I know in the past I have been guilty of some of these but it is important to try to be conscious of others when using your cell phone.  The one inappropriate time mentioned in the blog is when you’re checking out, and after working years in retail I could not agree more. As a cashier, you feel uncomfortable if you have to ask the customer questions because you do not want to interrupt them, and at the same time you are annoyed because it is very rude.

            Another violation which is a major issue especially among school age children is cyberbullying. Cyberbullying is not something that is taken lightly, and can sometimes lead to the involvement of the authorities. The digital environment makes it easier than ever to bully individuals, as they have a computer screen to hide behind, and can literally occur around the clock and the bully can contact the victim at any time. STOPCyberbullying is a great site which provided detailed information on what cyberbullying is, how to prevent it, the laws etc. Another resource which provided a in depth understanding of the issue  is Cyberbullying,a real and growing threat. Although this is a  hard issue for anyone person to tackle on their own it is important as a responsible digital citizen to report any inappropriate and potentially harmful content. 

         This week the item of interest from my Feedly Reader I chose to share is a post titled :
Nationally-know speaker to give Madison County students lesson on 'digital citizenship'. I would suggest that you check out the video on this article to better understand the issues that can lie within digital communication. Click here for the full post. 

Thanks for reading, 

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