Sunday, 30 November 2014

Weekly Report and Reflection Post 12

Hey everyone,
            Thank you for following me on this journey the last twelve weeks. I cannot believe this course has already come to an end. This course was unlike any course I have ever taken before. It opened my eyes to the digital world and how beneficial these technologies can be to learning. I have come so far and learned so much about being a digital citizen from week 1. Today when I googled myself, there were many more matches than the first time I had done this activity. My Google search showed my Prezi, Pinterest, Twitter and Google+ account. At the beginning of this course all these matches would have made me nervous, as I did not want a digital footprint. However after completing this course I have realized that I have control over my digital footprint, and have created one that I can be proud of.
Birdsong, T. (2013) Helping Kids Understand Their Digital Footprint
Retrieved from:

            I came into this course knowing nothing about being a digital citizen, but have learned through this course how to use digital technology responsibly and appropriately.  Being a digital citizen requires you to interact with digital technologies appropriately and to realize that everyone has a part to play in order to keep the internet a safe place to learn. I have also learned that one of my biggest flaws was not always giving credit where it is due. However by learning about creative commons licensing I believe I have become much better at this.
            Since learning about digital citizenship and many different web 2.0 tools I have been able to share my knowledge with friends, family and fellow learners. I have been able to teach my younger cousins who are constantly using social media about their digital footprint and how to be responsible digizens. I have also been able to share my knowledge of tools such as Google Docs and Prezi with fellow classmates to allow us to collaborate with ease, or to help them make more dynamic presentations.
            This course opened my eyes to how much web 2.0 tools can do for our education when implemented properly. Over the last 12 weeks I have developed a PLE as well as a PLN and have been able to engage with learners who share similar interest as me. I have implemented digital tools into my daily routine such as Feedly and Evernote for organizing content. I have even begun to search new digital tools on my own to further my knowledge of digital citizenship. I have signed up for a MOOC in the new year through McGill called the “body matters” and am excited to continue to grow my PLN through learners I meet in my online courses.

Thank  you for reading,
Olivia Carovillano

Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.

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