Friday, 12 September 2014

Session 1 Post

            I always thought in the past that digital footprints were more or less detrimental to your future.  My parents would constantly lecture me about being careful what I posted on the internet because nothing was really ever ‘private’ even if I thought it was. For this reason I have always kept my digital footprint as minimal as possible, but when I completed this week’s scavenger hunt I realized maybe this wasn’t true.  One of the requirements was to do a Google search of yourself, I figured I would find maybe a Facebook account with my name linked to it at best but I was surprised with what I actually found. I found newspaper articles with my name in it from over 10 years ago, previous sports tournaments I had won or participated in, my graduation information, family information, and a few expected things like links to my Facebook account and Pinterest boards. I was glad that at least to view things like my Facebook account it required the individual to be my ‘Facebook friend’, although after the recent iCloud scandal  I do not know how secure anything really is.
Image courtesy of Creative Commons
            Although my digital footprint was minimal I was still a little annoyed because I didn’t want one at all! I know this is silly,and almost unavoidable in today’s day and age but a girl can hope. Especially with universities, colleges, and employers now often completing a digital search on individuals prior to acceptance or hiring. I was glad however I have managed my digital footprint responsibly and after reading some of this weeks required readings I realized having a digital footprint is not detrimental to my future. The reading on netiquette really explained how to be a conscience and informed internet user and keep your foot print positive.
            The last task I completed this week was the digital drivers license activity. I am sure you will all be happy to hear I got my digital driver’s license haha.  When I first read about this task, I thought how is using the internet like driving, what a poor analogy. However throughout the test although I knew the right answer I realized I was often guilty of doing one of the correct answers. This is when the analogy started to make sense to me. The rules of the road are put in place to ensure safety and respect for other drivers, as the rules of the internet are there to do for the individual. I guess like driving, as we get more comfortable doing it we let the rules slide a little and develop bad habits. Over the next few weeks I think my attention needs to be more focused toward digital commerce and digital literacy. The test in the text definitely showed me areas where I need to become more conscious and maybe try to shake some of those bad habits.
I officially made it through my second blog post, hope you all enjoy! This isn’t that scary after all :)
- Olivia :)  

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