Friday, 12 September 2014


Hi Everyone,
   Welcome to my blog, my name is Olivia and I am a third year Kinesiology student at Brock. I love my program and cannot believe it is coming to an end. After Brock I am hoping to pursue my education at the graduate level, although I am still not positive in what field (and time is running out). I love sports, the outdoors, shopping and especially baking. During the school year I lead a busy life between class, volunteering, work, homework and attempting to have a social life, but I love it!
I never start a paper without some good background research, and this blog was no different. I guess this is a result of 3 years of writing university papers and being very apprehensive to blogging. I have never blogged, I have never even read another individuals blog prior to this course. After researching other blogs though I realized you can’t really prep for a blog post, there is not any right or wrong way of posting as long as you are respectful. The blogs are treated more like online journals; people are honest and informed (usually) on the topics they are posting. I also realized the most intriguing blogs are those posted by individuals who are really willing to share. With that being said I have decided the only way to have a successful blog is to dive right in. I know it will take some getting used to and I still have my hesitations about blogging but here goes nothing!

   The purpose of this blog is to satisfy a component of an online course but I am hoping that as I learn how to use/become more comfortable with the online environment it will grow into something more. I still haven’t decided what direction I want to take with this blog but I am hoping as I explore different avenues I will find a style of blogging which works for me.
   I am hoping this course will help me better understand what being a digital citizen means. For many people my age growing up around computers was fairly normal at school, then slowly at home. They were not nearly as big of a staple when I was a child as they are now though. I have used things in the past such as Myspace, Facebook, Instagram and Pinterest but never faithfully as some individuals. I never really felt comfortable sharing much on any of my sites, the one that probably gets the most use is my Pinterest boards.  At the same time I have not given much thought to how my social media reflects me as a digital citizen, am I a good one? I am hoping this course will teach me how to be a responsible digital citizen and give me the ability to pass this knowledge on to my peers, and especially younger cousins who are constantly using social media.
- Olivia :) 

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